We searched the web for the best videos about the black experience in China. Each show is unique and has several episodes filled with impactful information.
Watch Now to explore each series and see what it is like to be black in China.
Keesh Goes to China
Follow Kisha as she explores life and education as a black educator in China
Loser Laowai in China
Honest and unapologetic look int the life of a foreigner living in Shanghai; and contains information on the culture, living, working, coping the challenges of living in China.
Average Girl Extraordinary
Travel, Life, Love, Beauty, and Living China! This show is a conglomeration of any and all things that make the Average Girl Extraordinary!
Black Girls in China
Joe “An Qiming” shows what it’s like to live in Asia and just how enjoyable it can be. This is the kind of stuff that the news stations won’t tell you.
Black in China
Watch this guerrilla style ethnographic series are firsthand accounts of 39 Black people’s accounts of living in the People’s Republic of China.
Black Girls in China
Enter the life of a Chinlatinglish speaking Black femme fatale and share her adventure through China.
Kaila Smith in China
Kaila has taken a leap of faith and decided to move to Harbin, China where she teaches English to children from the ages 5-15 years old. Follow her on her journey!